A Newsworthy Friday
Time Waster
Justin Bieber, Celine Dion, Brian Adams, Alanis Morisette, Avril Levine, Nickelback etc, music from Canada is not the best. At least Canada has apologized for Bryan Adams but they still have a lot of explaining to do.
Thank goodness for
their comedians though. If someone cracks you up in a movie, odds are they are
from Canada. Jim Carry and Mike Meyers are just two examples of excellent
comedians coming from Canada.
Today’s time waster
was written by the rock star of Internet comedy, Canadian Jay Pinkerton. He has
been stirring shit on the Internet for years.
I have always been a big fan of Jay Pinkerton and it is an honor to finally steal his stuff and paste it into my blog.
I have always been a big fan of Jay Pinkerton and it is an honor to finally steal his stuff and paste it into my blog.
You can get lost
for days at his website - http://www.jaypinkerton.com.
One of his biggest hits is the News Skim
series, a satirical look at American politics. What would happen if Morgan
Freeman run against Godzilla for American President? I can’t explain it, I will
let Jay talk for himself.
Here we go with the first episode of News Skim:
Episode 1 - "Slip of the tongue"
Will the Consortium of Evil take over America? What can possibly stop them?
You can see the rest of the episodes on the Jay Pinkerton website: