Review – Windows Phone games
[Archive - old article first published on the now defunct]
I recently got one of the new Nokia Lumia phones. One of the things I liked most about the phone was the Xbox Live application.
This week I am diving into the games on Windows marketplace.
The Lumia can get games from two places, the Nokia Ovi Store and the Windows Phone market place.
Under the Windows Phone marketplace you get two types of games – normal games and Xbox branded games that form part of Xbox Live. Playing these Xbox games you can unlock Achievements that will earn you Gamer Score that is attached to your Xbox Gamer Tag.
My interest lies with the Xbox Games since I chase those Achievements really hard.
But first let’s take a quick look at the no name brands in the Windows marketplace (I can’t be bother going to the Ovi store).
While most of the games in the store look solid, there are some real dodgy looking games in there.

Epic indeed.

That's one way of getting around copyright protection.

An unlicensed Marvel game? Marvel might be good at comics, they are better at suing.

Bowling - you are doing it wrong.

No words.
Like all marketplaces, the Windows marketplace is rife with Tetris, Angry Birds and Plants vs. Zombie clones. And of course, obligatory Sexy Girl puzzle games. Before you download any of these games, take a look at what they require to access on your phone:
- data services
- movement and directional sensor
- music and video library
- push notification service
- owner identity
- phone identity
Why would they need access to all that personal data? These shitty free games must be selling your data to third parties. These applications that masquerade as free games are after your personal data just like Google and Apple.
Even if these games are free, the price is too steep for me.
The games on Xbox Live are MUCH better and next time I will take a look at them
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